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TrueSight Event Connector

Introduction #

The TrueSight event connector retrieves events from a BMC TrueSight installation. The connector acts as a TrueSight gateway to receive events propagated from TrueSight cells. Therefor on the TrueSight side has to be configured to propagate events from the Cell to the uvuyo TrueSight Event Collector. The events are pushed from TrueSight to the uvuyo adapter. If the TrueSight cell is not able to connect to the uvuyo connector it will buffer the events until the uvuyo connector is available again.

Preperation #

To be able to connect to the uvuyo TrueSight Event Connector make sure that the port used by the adapter is reachable from the source cell. This is usually the port 1828.

Since the uvuyo TrueSight Event Connector is bidirectional, you also need to make sure that the source cell is reachable from the uvuyo server. Again this normally is port 1828 on the host where the source cell is running. If you are not sure contact your TrueSight administrator to verify the ports

Configuring the TrueSight Event Connector #

Configuring the TrueSight Event Connector is a two step process. You need to configure the uvuyo TrueSight Event Connector to retrieve events from TrueSight and you need to configure TrueSight to propagate events to the uvuyo TrueSight Event Connector.

Configuring the TrueSight Event Connector to retrieve events #

Configuring TrueSight to send Events #

TrueSight needs to be configured to send events to uvuyo. Therefor you configure the uvuyu connector as TrueSight gateway to receive events. The first step to do so is to create a gateway file in the $MCELL_HOME/etc directory.


The $MCELL_HOME directory is the server directory within a TrueSight installation. You can choose any TSIM cells or Remote Cells to send evnts to the uvuyo TrueSight Event Connector. Usually you would take the top level TSIM cells to send events since there the events have been enriched and proccessed. Nevertheless depnding on your use case you could also choose to take a remote cell,

Adding the gateway configuration file #

create a gateway.uvuyo file with the following content in your §MCELL_HOME/etc directory. The file will instruct the cell how to send events to the uvuyo gateway. By default all the event slots will be send to the uvuyo gateway if a new event occurs. For a modified event only specific events will be send to uvuyo.

drop=[mc_history,mc_notes,mc_bad_slot_names,mc_bad_slot_values,mc_modhist] $CLASS;\n
init.mod=MOD $CLASS;\n

Configuring the Cell directory #

After you have created the gateway.uvuyo file you need to tell the cell how to reach the uvuyo adapter. You do this by adding the following entry in your $MCELL_HOME/etc/mcell.dir file of the cell from which you want to propagate events to the adapter. (This is usually the TSIM cell). Make sure that you change the hostname (in the example and port to the hostname where uvuyo is running and the port to the port you configured uvuyo to listen to.

gateway.uvuyo   uvuyo   mc

Configuring the Propagation Rules #

The propagation rules contain the rules needed for the adapter to work. It contains one propagate rule which defines which events should be propagated to the adapter. (The last rule in the file starting at line 39.

The other rules are used handle messages send from the uvuyo adapter. Events send from uvuyo have the class UVUYO_CTRL. The purpose of these rules is to update the original event.

new uvuyo_update_resource_id : UVUYO_CTRL($CTRLEV)
where [ $CTRLEV.msg == "update_resource_id" ]
updates EVENT($ORG)
where [ $CTRLEV.uvuyo_src_resource_id == $ORG.mc_ueid ]
    if ( $CTRLEV.uvuyo_tgt_resource_id != "" ) then
        $ORG.uvuyo_tgt_resource_id = $CTRLEV.uvuyo_tgt_resource_id;

new uvuyo_update_src_status : UVUYO_CTRL($CTRLEV)
where [ $CTRLEV.msg == "update_status" ]
updates EVENT($ORG)
where [ $CTRLEV.uvuyo_tgt_resource_id == $ORG.uvuyo_tgt_resource_id ]
        $ORG.status = $CTRLEV.uvuyo_status;
        $ORG.uvuyo_tgt_modification_time = time_stamp();

new uvuyo_update_src_severity : UVUYO_CTRL($CTRLEV)
where [ $CTRLEV.msg == "update_severity" ]
updates EVENT($ORG)
where [ $CTRLEV.uvuyo_tgt_resource_id == $ORG.uvuyo_tgt_resource_id ]
        $ORG.severity = $CTRLEV.uvuyo_severity;

new uvuyo_drop_ctrl : UVUYO_CTRL($CTRLEV)

propagate uvuyo_propagate : EVENT($EV)
 to uvuyo

Configuring the baroc files #

The baroc files define the event schema in TrueSight. We need to change the schema of the files to add custom columns to the event which enables the adapter to store the remote resource id. This is used to identify the target event, when we need to update the event. It also adds the event class UVUYO_CTRL which is used to send control events to the cell.

      uvuyo_tgt_modification_time : INTEGER;
      uvuyo_tgt_resource_id : STRING;

        uvuyo_mode : STRING;
        uvuyo_src_resource_id : STRING;
        uvuyo_tgt_resource_id : STRING;
        uvuyo_severity : SEVERITY;
        uvuyo_status : STATUS;
        uvuyo_msg : STRING;

Restart the cell #

After you have made the changes you need to restart the cell to reload the new configuration

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