You can install uvuyo using a jar file on a machine. Be aware that the installation described here will install all components on one host. This will not provide you with high availability and the throughput is limited by the resources of the machine you are installing on. This is why this type of installation is only recommended for test or development environments which don’t have the need for high availability and which handle limited amount of data.
As a rule of thumb you would calculate 1 CPU per pipeline. So if you have a dedicated host for uvuyo with 8 CPUs you could run 8 pipelines (a pipeline are two connected endpoints for example an SNMP adapter sending data to a Helix Event Manager.)
Architecture #
The core of the uvuyo product is composed of the uvuyo node which can be run as an OS service and the common services. The common services are kafka in combination with zookeeper which is used to send data between the uvuyo nodes and endpoints. The elasticsearch database is used to persist data.

Preperation #
In order to be able to run uvuyo as a process you would need to have a host with an OS installed. We recommend using a UNIX operating system, but since the uvuyo node is a java file, you can also use windows to run the uvuyo gateway.
In this article we will focus on the unix operating systems that use systemd (for example ubuntu.)
Installing the uvuyo gateway with jar files is divided into two steps. First you need to install the common service e.g. zookeeper, kafka and elasticsearch and then you need to install the uvuyo gateway.
For the installation you will need and editor like vim and curl to download the products.
Installing Kafka #
To install kafka follow the instructions on their website