You can install uvuyo in a docker or podman environment on a machine. Be aware that the installation described here will install all components on one host. This will not provide you with high availability and the throughput is limited by the resources of the machine you are installing on. This is why this type of installation is only recommended for test or development environments which don’t have the need for high availability and which handle limited amount of data. As a rule of thumb you would calculate 1 CPU per pipeline. So if you have a dedicated host for uvuyo with 8 CPUs you could run 8 pipelines (a pipeline are two connected endpoints for example an SNMP adapter sending data to a Helix Event Manager.)
Architecture #
The core of the uvuyo product is composed of the uvuyo node which runs as a micro service in a docker container and the common services. The common services are kafka in combination with zookeeper which is used to send data between the uvuyo nodes and endpoints. The elasticsearch database is used to persist data.
All microservices can be loaded from docker hub.

Preparation #
In order to run uvuyo in a docker environment you should have docker installed on the machine you want to install the product. You should be running a version of docker which is still officially supported.
Also you should make sure, that you can access the systems you want to connect from this machine. Most of the inbound endpoints (collectors) use a push mechanism to retrieve data from the source. This means that the connection is going to be opened from the source system. Some endpoints – like the prometheus metric collector – use a pull mechanism to collect data. So the connection is open from the uvuyo endpoint to the source system.
Dependent if you have an inbound or outbound connection you will need to open the firewall to your machine appropriately.
Containers #
As mentioned in the introduction the minimum uvuyo installation consists of four microservices. The uvuyo node and the common services kafka for the communication between the endpoints, zookeeper is currently still required to run kafka and elasticsearch as a database to persist data.
We will learn in a later section, how to setup these services.
Network #
The uvuyo micro services will use a network to communicate with each other. You should create a specific docker network in your docker environment. We recommend to call the network uvuyo.
We will learn in a later section, how to setup the network
Volumes #
The micro services will need a docker volumes to persist their data. Elasticssearch will need a volume for example to store all the data uvuyo wants to persists. We need volumes to ensure that the data stored while the micro services are running is still available after the service is restarted.
Uvuyo normaly stores everthing in the elasticsearch database. Nevertheless core configuration can also be stored in the file system. Core configuration data is for example the logging level the microservice runs with. Also some endpoints store configuration data in the volume. The SNMP adapter for example loads MIB files from volumes. This es why we need a specific volume for uvuyo.
Kafka uses volumes to store topics. Topics are used to send messages between endpoints.
We will learn in a later section how to setup the volumes.
Setting up the network #
To setup the network on your machine use the following command:
- Docker
- Podnan
docker network create -d bridge uvuyo
podman network create -d bridge uvuyo
Setting up the volumes #
To create the uvuyo volume first create a directory which you would like to use on your local machine. We recommend to call the directory /opt/2yetis/uvuyo
sudo mkdir -p /opt/2yetis/uvuyo \ sudo mkdir -p /opt/2yetis/uvuyo/etc \ sudo mkdir -p /opt/2yetis/uvuyo/mibs
This will create the directory including all the parent directories if they don’t exist. Make sure that directory can be accessed by docker.
- Docker
- Podman
docker volume create elastic_data ;\ docker volume create zookeeper_data ;\ docker volume create kafka_data
podman volume create elastic_data ;\ podman volume create zookeeper_data ;\ podman volume create kafka_data
These commands will create the volumes in docker.
Setting up the Containers #
Uvuyo #
The following command will create a container running an uvuyo node
- Docker
- Podman
docker create --network uvuyo \ --name uvuyo \ --volume /opt/2yetis/uvuyo/etc:/app/uvuyo/etc \ --volume /opt/2yetis/uvuyo/mibs:/app/uvuyo/mibs \ -e UVUYO_TENANTID=uvuyo \ -e UVUYO_HOME=/app/uvuyo \ -e UVUYO_NODEID=uvuyo \ -e UVUYO_GROUPID=uvuyo \ -e UVUYO_ELASTIC_URL=http://elastic:9200 \ -e UVUYO_KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS=kafka:9092 \ -e SERVER_PORT=443 \ -p 443:443 \ the2yetis/uvuyo:1.4.0
podman create --network uvuyo \ --name uvuyo \ --volume /opt/2yetis/uvuyo/etc:/app/uvuyo/etc \ --volume /opt/2yetis/uvuyo/mibs:/app/uvuyo/mibs \ -e UVUYO_TENANTID=uvuyo \ -e UVUYO_HOME=/app/uvuyo \ -e UVUYO_NODEID=uvuyo \ -e UVUYO_GROUPID=uvuyo \ -e UVUYO_ELASTIC_URL=http://elastic:9200 \ -e UVUYO_KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS=kafka:9092 \ -e SERVER_PORT=443 \ -p 443:443 \
Zookeeper #
The following command will create a container running zookeeper which is needed for the kafka service
- Docker
- Podman
docker create --network uvuyo \ --name zookeeper \ --volume zookeeper_data:/bitnuami \ -e ZOO_SERVER_ID=0 \ -e ZOO_PORT_NUMBER=2181 \ -e ALLOW_ANONYMOUS_LOGIN='yes' \ -e ZOO_SERVERS=zookeeper:2888:3888::0 \ -p 2181:2181 \ -p 2888:2888 \ -p 3888:3888 \ bitnami/zookeeper:3.8
podman create --network uvuyo \ --name zookeeper \ --volume zookeeper_data:/bitnuami \ -e ZOO_SERVER_ID=0 \ -e ZOO_PORT_NUMBER=2181 \ -e ALLOW_ANONYMOUS_LOGIN='yes' \ -e ZOO_SERVERS=zookeeper:2888:3888::0 \ -p 2181:2181 \ -p 2888:2888 \ -p 3888:3888 \
Kafka #
The following command will create a container running kafka
- Docker
- Podman
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Elasticsearch #
The following command will create a container running the elasticsearch database service
- Docker
- Podman
docker create --network uvuyo \ --name elastic \ --volume elastic_data:/usr/share/elasticsearch/data \ -e \ -e discovery.type=single-node \ -p 9200:9200 \ -p 9300:9300 \ --ulimit memlock=-1:-1 \ --ulimit nofile=65536:65536 \ --cap-add=IPC_LOCK \ elasticsearch:8.10.2
podman create --network uvuyo \ --name elastic \ --volume elastic_data:/usr/share/elasticsearch/data \ -e \ -e discovery.type=single-node \ -p 9200:9200 \ -p 9300:9300 \ --ulimit memlock=-1:-1 \ --ulimit nofile=65536:65536 \ --cap-add=IPC_LOCK \