The Node Configuration File

The node will look for its configuration file during startup in the $UVUYO_HOME/etc directory. It will search for a file with the name node.<nodeid>.yaml. As the extention from the file indicates the file is in yaml with the following format:

version: 1
    - $connectorConfiguration
    - $adapterConfiguration
errorHandler: $adapterID
versionnumber1Version number of the configuration file. This is used internally to synchronize version of the configuration across nodes of a cluster
errorHandlerstringn/aThe id of an adapter to use as an error handler. Uvuyo logs errors to its log files. You can configure an error handler so that errors are additionally send to adapter. For example, you might want to configure an email adapter and then use this as an error handler. In case of errors the node would then send an event to the email adapter which in turn would send out an email.
adaptersEndpointConfign/aA list of adapter configurations. See details below.
ConnectorsEndpointConfign/aA list of connector configurations. See details below

Where EndpointConfig has the following format:

driverstringn/aSpecifies the driver to be used to run the endpoint. The driver is used to decide which type of endpoint to load. The string here actually points to the java class which implements the endpoint
idstringn/aA unique id which identifies this specific endpoint. Every endpoint must have a unique id in the cluster.
nameStringn/aThe name of the endpoint. This will be used in the GUI to identify the endpoint with a human readable name.
ruleModulesList of Stringn/aA list of modules to be loaded by the endpoint. In case the endpoint is a connector, the rules are processed by after data has been received and before it is send to the adapter. In case the endpoint is an adapter the rules are processed before the data is send to the destination
dispatcherIdstringn/aThe dispatcher ID connects connectors to adapters. A connector and an adapter that share the same dispatcher create a pipeline. Data received and processed by the connector will be send to the adapter sharing the same dispatcher ID. Only one connector can be bound to one adapter.
numberOfRetriesnumber10During collection/sending of data errors might occur from which the endpoint can recover. In these cases the node will retry to collect/send the data for numberOfEntries times. After it fails for numberOfEntries times, the node will throw and unrecoverableError indicating that it cannot recover from the error.

For more information see the section error handling.
retryDelaynumber2000Number of miliseconds to pause before retrying to collect/send data from the endpoint in case a recoverable error occurred. For more information see the section error handling
onErrorContinuebooleanfalseIf an unrecoverable error occurs, the node will stop processing the data stream. If this value is set to true the node will skip the request causing the error and continue processing the data stream. Use this parameter with caution, since it will drop the skipped request. For more information see the section error handling.
n/aSpecific parameters needed by the endpoint. See the endpoints description for further details.


version: 2
- driver: "net.the2yetis.uvuyo.integration.bppm.BppmEventConnector"
  active: true
  id: "bppmEventConnector"
  name: "BPPM"
  dispatcherId: "bppm2HelixITSM"
  ruleModules: []
  port: 1828

- driver: "net.the2yetis.uvuyo.integration.helixItsm.HelixItsmEventAdapter"
  id: "helixItsmEventAdapter"
  name: "HelixItsmEventAdapter"
  dispatcherId: "bppm2HelixITSM"
  active: true
  ruleModules: ["log","uvuyo2HelixItsm"]
  jwtRefreshInterval: 300
  username: "theuser"
  password: "password"
  form: "HPD:IncidentInterface_Create"
  - "First_Name"
  - "Last_Name"
  - "Description"
  - "Impact"
  - "Urgency"
  - "Status"
  - "Service_Type"
  - "Created_By"
  - "Assigned Group"
  - "Assigned Support Organization"
  - "Assigned Support Company"

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